The Ultimate Guide To Ground Coffee
“You can either complain about it or grind, I choose to grind.”
Kyle vidrine
That said, you simply cannot complain about the classic ground coffee! If you are a true coffee connoisseur at heart, you need to understand ground coffee. For ages, drinking coffee has been a habit, lifestyle, passion, and love story for millions. In fact, for many, a brewing hot mug of morning joe provides the much-needed energy and confidence to start the day!
So, it’s only fair to know all about ground coffee. As a homegrown coffee brand, Sleepy Owl takes immense pride in our unabashed love affair with ground coffee. We make sure to use only the best Grade-A 100% Arabica coffee beans in flavours that would leave you wanting another cup even before you finish the one in hand! Therefore, it is indeed our duty to let you know all about this magic grind. Let’s get started.

What Exactly is Ground Coffee?
Long story short, ground coffee is basically what you make brewed coffee with. Similar to how maize is made up of corn and flour is made of wheat, ground coffee is made up of coffee beans.
It is rather simple how you use ground coffee; very much like how you use a teabag. Just add hot water to it, steep for a while, strain, and take a sip! The resulting brew is what you would call coffee.
You can find ground coffee in various grind sizes, based on the type of coffee you want to make or the kind of brewing equipment you wish to use.
Before we proceed any further, note that ground coffee and instant coffee are not at all the same. From the texture to the process they’re made and how you make them at home, even the aroma and taste differ. However, our Premium Instant Coffee has tried to incorporate the genuine aroma and taste of 100% Arabica ground coffee using the Microground Technology.
What Are the Different Coffee Grind Sizes?
There are several grind sizes available out there, and they each have their distinct utilization.
A few sorts of coffee, similar to the Turkish one, continue to utilize a particular size halfway in light of custom, so it's not generally about usefulness.
The sizes range from tiny, practically like a powder (for Espresso and Turkish) to coarse ground (for French press, and Cold Brew).
Whichever you choose relies upon what and how you will use it since the grind size and equipment can, and does impact the flavour of your coffee.
Some of the common grind sizes are:
- Very Fine (almost powdery)
- Medium-Fine
- Medium
- Medium-Coarse
- Coarse

Freshly Ground or Pre-Ground – What’s Better?
Without a doubt, the fresher the coffee, the better brew you will achieve.
Thus, it implies that freshly ground coffee will get you a flavour and aroma that will be more pleasant than anything you've had.
That being said, most coffee packs communicate the grinding date including the day it was roasted. Since ground coffee stays fresh up to 3 weeks from the day of roasting if stored or packaged correctly, it is convenient to have your coffee stocked and ready to use.
By and large, pre-ground coffee is usually vacuum-sealed. So, it will hold its flavour when you open it. However, it loses it rapidly in the event that you don't store it appropriately!
Ground Coffee’s Freshness factor
One of the downsides, if it can be called that, of roasting coffee is- it begins to oxidize the second it has been roasted. This happens when oxygen interacts with the components in coffee, thereby modifying the structural integrity, and influencing the acids, oils and aroma of the beans.
Coffee that has been ground will oxidize significantly quicker, as there is more surface area exposed to oxygen.
What About Storing Ground Coffee?
We suggest putting your coffee away from air, dampness, and light. Your ideal spot would be a properly sealed container placed in a shaded rack.
Also, "Never store your beans in the cooler!" Someone smart probably said that and we agree! The cold conditions of the refrigerator introduce dampness to your coffee which should be avoided at all cost.

How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Ground Coffee?
As we mentioned, grind size influences the flavour of your coffee. This additionally influences the manner in which you ought to mix your coffee.
To mix your ground coffee, you need a good percolator. They arrive in a wide assortment of types, like machine, isolated, or burner type. Taking everything into account, one should pick a French Press for coarse grind, trickle brewers for medium-coarse, channel cone filters for medium size.
The key to a decent tasting mug of coffee is getting everything right from the beans you choose to its volume, temperature, water quantity, and the extraction time. The following are four suggestions, and some data, to assist you with preparing your ground coffee and producing an exceptional tasting cup each time:
Consider the proportion of your coffee to water - 1:12 is by and large acknowledged as a proper proportion.
The grind size assumes a significant part in the kind of your coffee. The better the grind of your espresso is, the more pronounced will be the flavour. Use filtered water to guarantee that your water doesn't have a taste on its own that might influence the coffee’s flavour.
The temperature of your water can also decide the taste of your coffee. The higher the temperature, the faster the extraction of the oils in the coffee, and the better the flavour!

Get the Absolute Best Ground Coffee from Sleepy Owl
Who said finding the perfect ground coffee requires you to start a search mission? Well, not exactly because Sleepy Owl has got that covered for you! After all, we are all about providing real good coffee wrapped up in convenience and ease of use as well as choices. Our ground coffee is made up of whole roasted Grade-A 100% Arabica coffee beans. Plus, you need not worry about compromise in taste as the coffee is sealed tight post-grind to lock in the aroma and flavour. With Sleepy Owl, you will get to choose from 5 different flavours and 3 grind sizes. These include:
If you are confused about which flavour you like, you can also opt for the Sampler Pack and find your taste!