Everything You Need To Know About Arabica Coffee Beans
If you’re a regular coffee drinker and especially if you’re a regular Sleepy Owl coffee drinker then the term arabica beans shouldn’t be something new to you. Many coffee brands these days are making their coffee with arabica coffee beans because they are simply the best coffee beans available.
Arabica beans are known to be the best coffee beans that have a superior taste and texture when compared to other coffee beans like robusta. They have swiftly become widely popular among coffee brands all over the world because true coffee lovers only want to make and drink the best coffee at home. Arabica beans also provide a very consistent and well balanced cup of coffee which is another huge reason why it’s so popular and loved world over.
Today we are going to talk about all things arabica beans and by the end of this you will know why they are the best coffee beans out there and instantly will be tempted to buy them to make delicious coffee at home.
Here’s everything you need to know about arabica beans.

Arabica beans are derived from the seeds of the coffea arabica plant and are then roasted and ground depending on the type of coffee one is producing. It is said that arabica beans originated in Ethiopia in circa 700 AD. They are oval in shape, contain less caffeine and more sugar and lipids as compared to other coffee beans.
Arabica coffee beans thrive in tropical regions which is why the best arabica beans are grown mostly in tropical regions. Tropical regions have the best weather, terrain and soil conditions to grow the high quality arabica coffee that we love to drink.
In terms of its flavour profile, arabica beans are considered to be the more smoother and sweeter beans when compared to others. They have a naturally chocolatey or sometimes fruity flavour that truly enhances the taste of the coffee they are used to make. However, the level of roast that arabica beans go through does change its flavour profile significantly. When it comes to heavily roasted coffee beans, the flavour becomes more intense and strong, while the lightly roasted coffee beans stay fruity and sweet. Darker roasts can also get supremely chocolatey at times.
The classic bitterness associated with coffee beans is something you will not experience when it comes to arabica beans. From the taste to the aroma, it’s all about sweetness with arabica beans. But that does not mean that arabica beans don’t make a cup of strong coffee, they most definitely are versatile enough to give you not only a sweet, well balanced cup of coffee but also a strong, bold and rich cup of coffee - it only depends on how you brew it. The less caffeine content in arabica beans does not indicate that coffee made with arabica beans won't give you that energetic kick you need, it will surely give you the kick but just without the jitters. Which is a win-win situation, if you ask us!

A very interesting fact about arabica beans is that the arabica coffee plants self pollinate, which means that they don’t use pollen from external factors and instead use their own pollen to keep reproducing. This also means that they keep passing down the same genes which helps enhance the quality of the arabica beans procured from the plants. This is what makes arabica beans so superior and high in quality. Another interesting thing to know about arabica beans is that one plant can provide about one pound of arabica coffee which is around 8000 coffee beans.
Arabica beans also come with their set of health benefits. There are some studies that have been conducted over the years and have shown incredible results. According to those results, arabica beans can help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and also help prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Arabica beans are also rich in plant based antioxidants and phytonutrients which have anti-inflammatory effects. They also contain vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium and some more healthy vitamins and minerals. Apart from that, arabica beans also help you in your weight loss journey. Arabica beans are also a good source of hydration and electrolytes when had with water rather than milk.

Sipping a cup of arabica coffee, whether it’s hot or cold, provides a sense of pure satisfaction that no other beverage can provide. And this is why approximately 70% of the coffee produced in the world is made with arabica beans.
When we started our brand journey, we knew that we had to provide our fellow coffee lovers with only the best that coffee has to offer. And the best, is arabica beans. Almost all of our coffees are made using grade A arabica beans which are super high in quality and will surely elevate your coffee making and drinking experience at home. We especially source these arabica beans from plantations in South India and bring them to your home.
We use arabica beans to make our Ground Coffee, Hot Brew and Cold Brew coffee, Premium Instant Coffee and even our ready to drink Cold Coffee Cans and Cold Brew Bottles. The only types of coffee that don’t include arabica beans are our South Indian Filter Coffees to maintain their authentic taste.
So when you buy coffee beans online, don’t compromise on quality and buy only the best coffee beans from us.